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Giving Gifts SUPER Sale!
$5.00 off of NEW guiding light necklaces; 20% off of salt & light and mustard seed necklaces;
20% off of books and activities collection; 10% off of other great gifts collection!!!
Sale ends soon and is while items are in stock!
Thank you for supporting our small business!
My husband and I are so grateful for this opportunity to share meaningful, handcrafted products and other great gifts with you! I want you to know that every time an order is placed I am doing a little happy dance; YOU all are the best and every order makes a difference.
If there is something we don't currently offer that you would like to see us carry please reach out to me via email at or via our FB page messenger. I am open to exploring custom options and new product ideas! Lastly, I also want to note that our necklaces are available wholesale to qualified businesses- if you are interested in finding out more please reach out!
Thank you,